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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

Tuzon Family Collection

Dublin Core


Tuzon Family Collection


Modesto Jarmillo Tuzon was born in the municipality of Santo Domingo in the province of Ilocos Sur in the Philippines on June 15, 1907. In 1926, he immigrated to the United States to study music at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music. He specialized in the mandolin and eventually toured the Pacific coast playing at Filipino dance halls and other small venues. Later in life, he played with a small band composed of other Filipino men at Filipino community events in Watsonville. Until the late 1950s, Modesto was also a migrant farm laborer. He primarily worked in the fields alongside his cousins, Leon and Cipriano Lazo and Leon and Paul DeOcampo, in the Pajaro Valley and Arroyo Grande, California.

Linda Ardell (Kyle) Craner was born in Idaho on June 11, 1937. The Craner family migrated through California from San Francisco to Arroyo Grande before settling in Pacific Grove. During the 1950s, Modesto met Ardell at a diner in Arroyo Grande. In 1954, the two traveled to Mexico to get married. The exact dates of their meeting and marriage are unknown.

After their marriage, the Tuzons moved to the Pajaro Valley where they lived in rural Pajaro off Lewis Road before eventually moving to a neighborhood in Las Lomas. They had three children: Modesto Orlando Tuzon (b. 1956), Denise Lane Tuzon (b. 1958 - d. 1959), and Rita Louise Tuzon (b. 1959). After settling in the Pajaro Valley, Tuzon farmed sugar pea fields on the Lazo family property and then transitioned to a job as a tractor driver for Sears Schumann Farms. Linda Ardell was a reading specialist at Hall School in Las Lomas where the library is now named in her honor.

Music filled the Tuzon household. Modesto played mandolin for his entire life and was often accompanied by his wife, who was a singer, and his children. While growing up, Modesto Orlando and Rita worked in Watsonville before attending college and pursuing careers outside of agriculture and the Pajaro Valley region. Rita has two children: Jared Kyle Stone (b. 1998) and Sophia Denise Stone (b. 2002).

Modesto passed on October 19, 1981, and Ardell on January 31, 2013.

The Tuzon Family Collection was contributed to Watsonville is in the Heart by Modesto and Ardell Tuzon's children, Modesto Orlando and Rita Tuzon, in 2021. The collection contains forty-three items in total. It includes two oral history interviews with Modesto Orlando and Rita during which they reflect on their father's migration and labor histories, his passion for music, and their family's experiences navigating mixed-race identity. It also contains forty-one material culture items including photographs of Modesto playing music and his Philippine bandurria.


Modesto Orlando Tuzon
Rita Louise Tuzon

Collection Items

Modesto Tuzon next to tractor
Modesto Tuzon smiling next to a D-4 tractor that was owned by Leon Lazo. The photograph was taken at the Lazo farm where he regularly worked

Doilie by Ardell Tuzon
A white doillie with yellow flowers made by Linda Ardell Tuzon. Three instructional crochet guides that she used regularly.

Modesto Tuzon's belt
A leather belt worn by Modesto Tuzon. The belt is engraved with a floral design and Modesto's nickname, "Modie."

Modesto Tuzon's hat
A wool fedora hat worn by Modesto Tuzon.

Modesto Tuzon's Philippine bandurria
Modesto Tuzon's Philippine bandurria, a string instrument similar to a mandolin. Modesto was known for playing Ilocano folk songs, 1920s ragtime music, and 1970s-80s pop music on his bandurria. Early in life, he toured playing in small venues…

"Striking teachers, school district resume bargaining"
A clipping from the Register Pajaronian describing a teachers' strike at Pajaro Valley School District in 1973. Modesto Orlando Tuzon organized a student walkout at Watsonville High School in support of the teachers' strike. At the time, the…

Modesto Orlando Tuzon's Graduation
The Tuzon family at Modesto Orlando Tuzon's graduation from Watsonville High School that was celebrated at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds. Modesto Orlando was the first person to obtain a university education on both sides of the family.

Modesto Tuzon by family book shelves
Modesto Tuzon on his daughter Rita's 18th birthday sitting beside shelf of encyclopedias and books. He and Ardell valued education and viewed it as a way to "move forward in life." Others from the community would come by and use the books.

Modesto Tuzon seranading Smokey the cat in Las Lomas, CA
Modesto Tuzon playing bandurria (a Filipino mandolin) for the family cat. The music stand he is using is handmade.

Modesto Tuzon on Christmas Day, 1976
Modesto Tuzon opening a gift on Christmas Day in 1976. Modesto was given a circular saw because he enjoyed carpentry and made tables, cabinets, and a shed. He is pictured beside Kathy Fleharty.

Modesto Tuzon by a truck
Modesto Tuzon in front of his Chevy truck at the Tuzon family home on Willow Road. "My dad, April 25, 1976, 68 yr." is written on the back of the photograph.

Tuzon with kids in Willow Road home
Modesto Tuzon and his kids, Rita and Modesto Orlando Tuzon at their Willow Road home.

View all 41 items


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