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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

Ancheta Family Collection

Dublin Core


Ancheta Family Collection


Julio Valiente Ancheta was born in the province of Ilocos Norte, Philippines. Accompanied by his cousins, Julio left the Philippines for Hawai‘i in 1927 to work in agriculture. Three years later, he moved to California working as a migrant farm worker.

During World War II, Julio joined the navy as a serviceman and was stationed in Nagoya, Japan. Following the war in 1948, Julio visited the Philippines and met Delfina Rivera. Delfina Rivera Ancheta was born on December 15, 1925 in the municipality of Bangui in the Ilocos Norte province of the Philippines to Juan and Leonora Rivera. She was the eldest of ten children. She left her home and moved to Manila where she was a nanny. Two weeks after they met, they married and left for San Francisco by ship.

Upon their arrival in San Francisco in 1948, they settled in Salinas, California. Julio worked as a construction worker while Delfina became a labor camp cook. They later moved to Mountain View where Julio continued working as a construction worker. In 1959, they moved to Watsonville, California. Together they had five children: Cynthia, Julio, Marc, Shirley, and James. The Ancheta family was heavily involved in the Presbyterian Church, Legionarios del Trabajo, Watsonville Filipino Community, the Visayan Trust, and the Filipino Women’s Club of Watsonville.

The Ancheta Family Collection was contributed to Watsonville is in the Heart in 2022 by Julio and Delfina Ancheta's daughter, Shirley Ancheta. The collection contains one item, an oral history interview with Shirley. In the interview, she speaks about the labor her father and other manong did and her experiences attending "social box" dances in Santa Cruz Country. She also discusses her career as an activist, poet, and scholar.


Shirley Ancheta

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