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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

Asuncion Family Collection

Dublin Core


Asuncion Family Collection


Anastacio “Tony” Polistico Asuncion was born in 1898 in the Bohol province of the Philippines. Tony served in both World War I and World War II. After World War I, he immigrated alone from the Philippines to Hawai’i and eventually to California. Upon arriving in California, Tony worked around the East Bay area as an agricultural laborer.

While working in agriculture in the East Bay area, Tony met Paula Montelongo. Paula was born near San Antonio, Texas, and is of Mexican descent. Her exact birth date is unknown. She had five children from her previous marriage. After she divorced her ex-husband, Paula moved to the East Bay area and worked in the strawberry industry. Tony and Paula got married sometime around 1946 to 1947. Together, they had five children. They eventually settled in Watsonville, where they worked for Reiter Berry Company and lived in two labor camps, one on San Andreas Road and another in Rio del Mar.

Their son, Anastacio “Stosh” (b. 1950) worked in the fields alongside his parents. Stosh went on to attend the University of California, Santa Cruz. He graduated with a B.A. in History and a teacher's credential. He worked as a middle school teacher in the Berryessa Union School District for thirty-three years.

Tony retired from working in the strawberry fields during his 60’s due to a lung infection caused by exposure to pesticides. Tony passed away in 1980 and Paula passed away in 1990.

The Asuncion Family Collection was donated to Watsonville is in the Heart in 2023 by Tony's and Paula's son, Stosh. It contains eight family photographs and an essay titled, "Watsonville's Filipino Bachelor Community" that was written by Stosh when he was a student at UCSC in 1970. The collection also includes sixteen photographs that show elderly Filipino manong, labor camps, and Filipino-owned businesses in Watsonville that accompanied Stosh's 1970 essay.


Anastacio "Stosh" Asuncion

Collection Items

"The People of the Fields- a Constant struggle for survival"
LA Times article about UFW titled: "The People of the Fields- a Constant Struggle for Survival." This was collected by Anastacio "Stosh" Asuncion.

Newspaper on International Hotel
Newspaper about the I-Hotel. Anastacio "Stosh" Asuncion picked it up while attending an anti-war rally in 1970. This entry contains one cut-out.

The Philippine Republic Newspaper
The Philippine Republic newspaper primarily about Jose Rizal and the revolution.

Letter for Paula from Tony
Letter for Paula Montelongo Asuncion from Anastacio "Tony" Polistico Asuncion Sr. when he was working in Sepulveda, CA. In this letter, he writes about his drive to Fresno and sends his love to his wife and children.

Anastacio Sr.'s Travel Journal
This is a black leather notebook with two metal rings and lined paper. It includes Anastacio "Tony" Polistico Asuncion Sr. transcriptions of popular song lyrics, addresses, and his handwritten descriptions of "important events" that span leaving his…

Letter from Lucas Asuncion
This is a letter addressed to "Mansy Atyongi" from Lucas Asuncion on December 31, 1957.

Letter from Panfilo Sayson, 1947
This is a typewritten letter from Panfilo Sayson in Talibon, Bohol. Panfilo Sayson is the godson of Anastacio "Tony" Polistico Asuncion Sr., who was in Stockton at the time. In this letter, Panfilo is reaching out to connect with Anastacio and share…

Postcard of Philippine Pavillion in 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition (5)
This is a postcard from the 1939 Philippine Pavilion in San Francisco, CA. This photograph depicts artifacts and paintings.

Postcard of Philippine Pavillion in 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition (4)
This is a postcard from the 1939 Philippine Pavilion in San Francisco, CA. This photograph focuses on artifacts and paintings.

Postcard of Philippine Pavillion in 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition (3)
This is a postcard from the 1939 Philippine Pavilion in San Francisco, CA. This photograph depicts the interior hallway.

Postcard of Philippine Pavillion in 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition (2)
This is a postcard from the 1939 Philippine Pavilion in San Francisco, CA. This photograph depicts the outside of the pavilion.

Postcard of Philippine Pavillion in 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition (1)
This is a postcard from the 1939 Philippine Pavilion in San Francisco, CA. The photograph depicts a living room scene decorated with woven mats, paintings, sculptures, and decorated pots.

View all 48 items


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