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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

Browse Exhibits (2 total)

“Wherever I am I’ll remember you yet” : Nurturing Transnational Kinship through Photographs and Letters


The eight objects in this exhibition come from the Bosque, DeOcampo, Millares, Florendo, and the Irao-de los Reyes and Ibao family collections. Notably, they include letters from the Florendo collection, many of which were written in Spanish. The exhibition also includes photographs.

The ways in which these photographs show wear and contain heartfelt inscriptions, as well as the manner by which the written correspondence expresses love and longing, indicate how much these families treasured such objects and the memories of their loved ones abroad.

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Filipino Cockfighting in the Pajaro Valley


This exhibit, "You Just Take It For Granted When You're Growing Up": Filipino Cockfighting in the Pajaro Valley, explores cockfighting among Filipino manong in Watsonville and the greater Pajaro Valley during the twentieth century. It shows how manong practiced their cultural heritage and performed masculinity amidst intense racism and criminalization in the United States. The transnational sport of cockfighting fostered community among men in the Pajaro Valley, leading to intimate bonds between manong and their fighting roosters.

Please view the exhibit here:

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