Tags: Aromas, Celebration, Family, Leisure, Mixed-race Identity, Photograph
Tags: Celebration, Family, Mixed-race Identity, Photograph, Watsonville
Tags: Birthday, Celebration, Interracial Relations, Manongs, Marriage, Mixed-race Identity, Photograph
Tags: Celebration, Family, Interracial Relations, Mixed-race Identity, Photograph, Watsonville
Tags: Celebration, Fourth of July, Interracial Relations, Main Street, Mixed-race Identity, Photograph, Studio Photography, Watsonville
Tags: Celebration, Philippines, Studio Photography
Tags: Celebration, Fourth of July, Leisure, Parades, Photograph, Watsonville
Tags: Aromas, Celebration, Leisure, Photograph
Tags: Celebration, Leisure, Photograph, Watsonville
Tags: Celebration, Photograph, Religion, Watsonville
Tags: Celebration, Children, Family, Generational, Leisure, Photograph, Riverside Road