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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Hollister

Joan Millares at Rohnert Seed

Black and white photograph of Joan Millares at the Rohnert Seed company in Hollister, CA. For more…

Dorothy and Max at Rohnert Seed

Black and white photograph of Dorothy Dagang (Max's goddaughter) with Mamerto "Max" Sulay at Rohnert…

John Mortela at Rohnert Seed

Black and white photograph of John Mortela (Trinning's son) at Rohnert Seed seed company in…

John Madio Millares at Home in Hollister (Landscape)

A photograph of John Madio Millares when he was in his late 90s. This photograph was taken at this…

John Madio Millares at Home in Hollister (Portrait)

A photograph of John Madio Millares when he was in his late 90s. This photograph was taken at this…