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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Invitation to Mamerto "Max" Sulay's 80th birthday party at Casserly Community Center on August 22,…

Photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay's grandchildren and great grandchildren during his 80th birthday…

Photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay and his children at his 80th birthday party at Casserly Community…

Scrapbook page showing two photographs of the Sulay family during the burial of Virginia Sulay…

A scrapbook page created by Juanita Sulay Wilson commemorating her mom, Virgina Viner Sulay. The…

Photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay's crew picking lettuce on a farm on Beach Road.

Samuel _Sammy_ Yoro interviewed by Hana Yamamoto.pdf
In this interview, originally recorded in person, Samuel “Sammy” Yoro speaks with Watsonville is in…

Freddie Leo Castillo interviewed by Ian Hunte Doyle.pdf
In this interview, originally recorded in person, Freddie Leo Castillo speaks with Watsonville is…

Raymond Gonzalez interviewed by Una Lynch.pdf
In this interview, originally recorded over Zoom, Raymond “Ray” Gonzalez speaks with Watsonville is…

Photograph of Watsonville Adult High School's graduating class of 1963. Caption on the back reads:…

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