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  • Tags: Studio Photography

Rosario “Nena” Nieva Alminiana 's First Communion Picture

Framed photograph of Rosario “Nena” Nieva Alminiana as a child. This is possibly a first communion…

Nurse Rosario “Nena” Nieva Alminiana

A metal framed studio photograph of Rosario “Nena” Nieva Alminiana as a Filipina nurse. It is signed…

Rosario “Nena” Nieva Alminiana's Coming of Age

A wooden frame with a metal bamboo design containing a studio photograph of Rosario “Nena” Nieva…

Eva Alminiana Monroe and Angelo Cortez

A studio photograph of Eva Alminiana Monroe(left) and Angelo Cortez(right) as children.

Postcard of Felly Palomo

A studio postcard that depicts Felly Palomo who was a candidate for the 1936 "Filipino Sweetheart…

Studio Photograph of Man in Suit and Fedora

A studio photograph of a man wearing a suit and fedora. The studio watermark states "Ochi Studio,…

Studio Photograph of Eight Men

A studio photograph of eight unknown men wearing suits. It was possibly taken in San Francisco. This…

Young Man and Flower Vase

Studio photograph of a young man standing next to a vase of flowers. This is from Mamerto "Max"…

Two Men and a Flower Vase

Studio photograph of two young men with a flower vase in between them. This is from Mamerto "Max"…

Portrait of a Man in a Suit

A studio portrait of a man wearing a suit. This is from Marmeto "Max" Sulay's personal collection.

Georgie in a Suit

A studio portrait of a man named Georgie wearing a suit. The inscription on the front reads…

Young Modesto Tuzon

A portrait of Modesto Tuzon. The photograph was likely taken when he was traveling along the western…