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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: World War 2

A Group of Uniformed Men Posing with a Woman

A photograph of a group of seven unknown men in uniform posed around an unknown woman. This is from…

A Group of Men in Uniform with a Woman

A photograph of a group of four men in uniform surrounding a woman. One man is crouched down in…

A Group of Men in Uniform with a Woman

A photograph of a group of four men in uniform surrounding a woman who is posed in the center.…

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and a Female Nurse

A photograph of First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, dressed in uniform next to a female nurse. It is…

A Large Group of People at an Outdoor Event

A photograph of a large group of people at an outdoor event. Many men in the photograph are wearing…

People Seated Outdoors

A photograph of a group of people seated at an outdoor event. Many men in the photograph are wearing…

A Snapshot of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a Car

A photograph of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in a car sitting with other military generals.…

A Group of Uniformed Men

A photograph of a group of men in uniform. It appears the group of men were taking a group…

A Uniformed Man in a Jeep and a Woman

A photograph of a man in uniform in a jeep looking at a woman in a floral top. This image is from…

Emiliano Bergornia in Uniform

Emiliano Cardona Begornia wearing his military uniform with an unknown woman. Emiliano served in…

Company C of the First Filipino Infantry

A framed group photograph of the First Filipino Infantry Regiment, Company C at Camp Beale. The…

Marcel Bosque's Photo Album

This photograph album was curated by Marcelo "Marcel" Cardona Bosque. It includes photographs of…