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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Barbecue

Bob Mariano standing with other Filipino Community Members at the Annual Filipino Barbecue, 1982

In this photograph, Bob Mariano can be identified in the cap, standing with other Filipino community…

Manong Barbecuing Chicken at Annual Filipino Barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph of an unidentifiable manong at the annual Filipino Barbecue. In this…

Two Unidentified Manong and Mamerto "Max" Sulay Stand Behind a Grill Full of Chicken at the Annual Filipino Barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph taken of manong cooking the Annual Filipino Barbecue. Behind the unidentifiable…

Filipino Community Members Behind a Table at the Annual Filipino Barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph of a group of Filipino Community members and an unidentified manong in the…

Filipino Community Members Behind Table Full of Food at Annual Filipino Barbecue, 1985

This is a photograph of an unidentified group of Filipino community members and an unidentified…

Manangs Sell Food to Virginia Viner Sulay at Filipino Annual Barbecue, 1985

SUL.2024.527 (1).pdf
This is a photograph of manangs taken during the annual Filipino Barbecue 1985. In this photograph,…

Group of People with Manong Wearing an Apron That Reads "World's Greatest Dad" at Filipino Annual Barbecue, 1985

This is a photograph of a group of people taken during the annual Filipino Barbecue in 1985, In this…

Three Unidentifiable Manong and a Manang Look Towards Right Hand Side of Photograph

This is a photograph taken of the Filipino community members at the annual Filipino Barbecue in…

Max cooking for the Filipino Community, 1982

This is a photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the middle of cooking for the Filipino Community. In…

Virginia during a Filipino Community barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph of Virginia Viner Sulay at the annual Filipino barbecue in 1982. She is…

Manong at a Filipino Community Barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph of a group of manong taken during the annual Filipino Barbecue.

Manang at Filipino Community Barbecue

This is a photograph of a group of manang at the annual Filipino Community Barbecue in October,…