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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Communal Meal at Fort Ord

This is a black and white photograph of a large group of Filipino men eating barbecue together at…

Souvenir Program for XXth Grand National Convention and 55th Anniversary of Caballeros de Dimas-Alang

A Souvenir Program for XXth Grand National Convention and 55th Anniversary of Caballeros de…

First-Second Filipino Infantry Regiments Association for the 1971 29th Anniversary Celebration

This is an invitation sent by the First-Second Filipino Infantry Regiments Association for their…

Max Sulay with his grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay's grandchildren and great grandchildren during his 80th birthday…

Fourth of July float.

A photograph of the Fourth of July parade with float and tractor. On the float is four young boys.…

Modesto Orlando Tuzon's Graduation

The Tuzon family at Modesto Orlando Tuzon's graduation from Watsonville High School that was…

Christmas Clean up

A photograph of Mariano Fallorina Sr. cleaning up wrappers after opening presents during Christmas.…