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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Certificate

Alberto Nabor Certificate of Eligibility for Veterans Loan

This is Alberto Gorospe Nabor's Certificate of Eligibility for Veterans Loan, issued on March 31,…

Alberto Nabor Certificate of Honorable Discharge

This is a Certificate of Honorable Discharge certified to Alberto Nabor, private first class of the…

Alberto Nabor Confirmation as Door Guard of Luzon, 1981

Grand Lodge Legionarios del Trabajo in America. Certificate to confirm the appointment of Alberto…

Alberto Nabor Confirmation as Door Guard of Luzon, 1982

Grand Lodge Legionarios del Trabajo in America. Certificate to confirm appointment Alberto Nabor as…

Alberto Nabor's American Legion Continuous Member Certificate

This is Alberto G. Nabor's Continuous Member Certificate for 30 years from the American Legion. This…

Alberto Nabor's Certificate Confirmation as Outside Guard of Luzon

This is a certificate to confirm the appointment of Alberto Nabor as Outside Guard of Luzon Lodge…

Alberto Nabor's Certificate of Honor

This is a Certificate of Honor for Albert Nabor at the 50th Anniversary Grand National Conference…

Copy of a Certification for a Deposit for the Filipino Community of Watsonville, 1983

This is a copy of a certification for a deposit for the Filipino Community of Watsonville

Virginia's Certificate of Award for Dedicated Service

This is a certificate of award for dedicated service to Virginia Sulay signed by Rosita Tabasa and…