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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Children

The Millares and Sulay Children

A photograph of the Millares and Sulay children. Pictured from left to right are: Manzanita Sulay,…

American TB Society Flyer Featuring the Lopez Children

A reproduction of a photograph from a newspaper article. The American TB Society put out a flyer to…

Angelina Fallorina's Blue, Floral Album

A photograph album created by Angelina Nicolas Fallorina. The album is eighteen pages long. It…

Garden in the Front Yard

Mariano Fallorina Sr. and his niece, Jackie St. Ours in the front yard of the Fallorina family home…

Garden in the Front Yard (2)

Mariano Fallorina Sr. and niece, Jackie St. Ours, in the front yard from a different angle. They are…

Laundry Day in the Backyard

A photograph of Angelina Nicholas Fallorina and niece, Jackie St. Ours, in the backyard doing…

Christmas with Grandpa

A photograph of Mariano Fallorina Sr. and niece, Jackie St. Ours, celebrating Christmas and opening…

Grandma & niece out for a walk

A photograph of Angelina Nicholas Fallorina and niece, Jackie St. Ours, out for a walk in the…