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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Letter from Humphrey Estates, 1945

This is a letter to Mamerto "Max: Sulay from the Humphrey Estates Cascade Ranch, located in…

Letter from Manuel A. Adeva about H.R. 776, 1945

This is a letter to Mamerto "Max" Sulay from Manuel A. Adeva, the chief of the Nationals Division…

Letter from Manuel A. Adeva with updates about H.R. 776, 1945

This is a letter to Mamerto "Max" Sulay from Manuel A. Adeva, the resident commissioner of the…

First-Second Filipino Infantry Regiments Association for the 1971 29th Anniversary Celebration

This is an invitation sent by the First-Second Filipino Infantry Regiments Association for their…

Letter from Rosing to Virginia

This is a letter written to Virginia Viner Sulay from Rosita "Rosing" Tabasa, thanking her for her…

Neil's Christmas Card to the Filipino Youth Club, 1958

This is a Christmas card sent to the Filipino Youth Club by Neil in 1958. The front of the card is…

Fely Sulay's Nursing Portrait, 1968

This is a studio portrait of Fely Sulay in her nursing uniform which she sent to the Sulay family in…

Portrait of Melda Sulay to Max Sulay, 1977

This is a studio photograph of Imelda "Melda" Sulay in her nursing uniform addressed to Mamerto…

Portrait of Fely Sulay from her Capping Ceremony, 1978

This is a colored photograph of Imelda Sulay from her capping ceremony sent to Mamerto "Max" Sulay…

Imelda and friends after PHN duty

This is a group photograph of Imelda Sulay and other nurses after PHN duty at Cantina Rizal. Imelda…

Christmas card from Weddy Sulay

This is a black and white Christmas card from Wedro "Weddy" Sulay from 1972, sent from the…

Keep me in thy sweet cold memory, Isuapo Sulay

This is a studio portrait of Isuapo Sulay wearing a white suit. The back is inscribed "Happy New…