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Skippy's Hat

A personalized hat made for Paul "Skippy" Tabalan DeOcampo by his daughter, Veronica Hernandez.…

Studio Photograph of Paul "Skippy" Tabalan DeOcampo

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Studio photograph of Paul "Skippy" Tabalan DeOcampo

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes

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Photograph of Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes at a Filipino labor Camp at Fort Ord in Monterey County.

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes Posing in Front of a Car

Photograph of Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes posing in front of a car. A stamp on the back of the…

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes Posing in a Field

Photograph of Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes posing in a field. A stamp on the back of the photograph…

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes Wearing a Suit

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes posing in a field.

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes Standing Outside

Photograph of young Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes standing in a field.

Puring Reyes and Luisa Irao de los Reyes in Castroville, CA

Puring Reyes (left) and Luisa Irao de los Reyes (right) in Castroville, CA at the Reyes family home.…

Friends at the Reyes Family Home

From left to right: Puring Reyes, Lourdes Villanueva, Luisa Irao de los Reyes, and an unknown man…

Gathering at the Irao-de los Reyes and Ibao Family Home on Elkhorn Road

Photograph of a gathering at the Irao, Ibao, and de los Reyes home on Elkhorn Road in the Pajaro…

Filipino Catholic Association Convention in San Diego

Photograph of members at a Filipino Catholic Association Convention in San Diego in 1972. The woman…

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes Posing at Fort Ord

Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes posed on the front porch of a Filipino labor camp at Fort Ord in…