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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Filipino Community Meeting

A black and white photograph from a Filipino Community meeting, featuring Filipino and White…

Filipino Community Gathering

A black and white image of a Filipino Community gathering. Many of the women in this photograph wear…

Juanita and Allen on the Filipino Community float.

Juanita Sulay Wilson (left) and Allen Wilson (right) on the Filipino Community float for Fourth of…

Newspaper on International Hotel

Newspaper about the I-Hotel. Anastacio "Stosh" Asuncion picked it up while attending an anti-war…

Letter to Max Sulay from the Resident Commissioner for the Philippines to the United States, Carlos P. Romulo, 1945

This is a letter to Max Sulay from the resident commissioner for the Philippines to the United…

Letter to Max Sulay from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc., 1945

This is a letter to Max Sulay from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc. about the release of…

Letter from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc. Thanking Volunteer Workers, 1945

This is a letter from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc. thanking volunteer workers for…

Constitution and By-Laws of The Filipino Community of Watsonville, 1974

Booklet of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Filipino Community of Watsonville. This is filled…

Copy of a Certification for a Deposit for the Filipino Community of Watsonville, 1983

This is a copy of a certification for a deposit for the Filipino Community of Watsonville