Tags: Barbeques, Businesses, Courtship, Dances, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville, Food, Labor, Leisure, Main Street, Manongs, Migration, Military, Musicians, Nurses, Oral History, Pacific Theater, Parades, Race, Riots, Universal Barbershop, War Brides, Women and World War II, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Military, Object, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: American Legion, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Military, Object, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Military, Pacific Theater, Photograph, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Fort Ord, Military, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Agriculture, Cars, Courtship, Fashion, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Interracial Relations, Labor, Labor Camp, Manongs, Marriage, Migration, Military, Photograph, Photograph Album, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Camp Beale, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Military, Photograph, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Manongs, Photograph, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Letter, Military, Pacific Theater, Philippines, Transnational, Women and World War II, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Family, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Letter, Mt. Eden, Pacific Theater, World War 2, World War II, WW2