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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Manong Sitting in front of a Hawai'i Poster at the Philippine Gardens

A photograph of a manong in front of a Hawai'i magazine poster hanging on the wall at Philippine…

Picnic in the Fields

Photograph of a group of people (men, women, and children) at a picnic in a field. The man on the…

Joanne de los Reyes-Hilario interviewed by Meleia Simon-Reynolds Part 1 of 2

Joanne de los Reyes-Hilario interviewed by Meleia Simon-Reynolds Part 1 of 2.pdf
In this interview conducted in person, Joanne de los Reyes-Hilario speaks with Meleia…

Mary Florendo Perry interviewed by Dr. Steven McKay

Mary Florendo Perry interviewed by Steve McKay.pdf
In this interview conducted in person, Mary Florendo Perry speaks with Dr. Steven McKay, a member of…

Merienda at the Reyes Family Home

Friends and family enjoying merienda (snacks) at the Reyes home in Castroville, CA. Puring Reyes is…

Eulalio "Max" Bersamin Wearing an Apron and Holding a Rooster

Eulalio "Max" Bersamin with his rooster. Max is wearing the apron that he usually wore to make…

Picnic in the Fields, 2

A photograph of a group of people (men, women, and children) at a picnic in a field. Mamerto "Max"…