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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Group Photo

"A Benevolent Friendship of Ours"

This is a sepia photograph of 8 manong posed outside of building. On front is written "1930." The…

Asuncion Family Photograph at San Andreas Camp

This is a black and white photograph of the Asuncion Family, most likely taken at a labor camp on…

Caballeros de Dimas Alang Group Photo at Wedding

This is a group photo taken of the Caballeros de Dimas Alang at what appears to be a wedding held in…

Children Photograph from Christmas Celebration held by Filipino Women's Club

This is a black and white photograph of a Christmas celebration held by the Filipino Womens Club in…

Class Officres Normal II Organization

A black and white photograph of members of "Class Officiers Normal II Organization" taken in 1951…

Communal Meal at Fort Ord

This is a black and white photograph of a large group of Filipino men eating barbecue together at…

FIlipino Catholic Association Group Photo, 1988

This is a photograph from a Filipino Catholic Association meeting or event, held at Mingui Chinese…

Filipino Catholic Association Group Photo, 1994

This is a colored group photograph of an event held by the Filipino Catholic Association, taken in…

Filipino party at Sunset Beach.

A group photo taken at Sunset Beach during a FIlipino party. Juanita speculates that the person…

Group beach photograph.

A black and white photograph of a group of people at a beach. On the ground is a guitar and vases.…

Group Photo at Erlinda and Alberto's Wedding

This is a black and white family photo taken at Erlinda Aragon Nabor and Alberto Nabor's wedding. In…

Group Photo of Legionarios del Trabajo in Stockton

This is a photograph of the Legionarios del Trabajo in American at Stockton Lodge 624. Mr. Tabag can…