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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Manang

Filipino Community Members Behind a Table at the Annual Filipino Barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph of a group of Filipino Community members and an unidentified manong in the…

Three Unidentifiable Manong and a Manang Look Towards Right Hand Side of Photograph

This is a photograph taken of the Filipino community members at the annual Filipino Barbecue in…

Virginia and Max during a celebration at the Veterans Hall

This is a colored photograph of Virginia Viner Sulay (left) and Mamerto "Max" Sulay (right), whose…

Two Manang during a celebration at the Veterans Hall

This is a photograph of an unidentifiable woman (left) and Hazel Mariano (right) posing together.…

Shirley Bermio during a celebration at the Veterans Hall

This is a photograph of people sitting together on a couch at a community event held at the Veterans…

Woman in a pink dress during a celebration at the Veterans Hall

This is a photograph of an unidentifiable woman in a pink dress. This was taken at a community event…

Virginia during a Filipino Community barbecue, 1982

This is a photograph of Virginia Viner Sulay at the annual Filipino barbecue in 1982. She is…

Manang at Filipino Community Barbecue

This is a photograph of a group of manang at the annual Filipino Community Barbecue in October,…