Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Fishing, Gardening, Hawai'i, Interracial Relations, Labor, Labor Camp, Leisure, Migration, Military, Mixed-race Identity, Oral History, Pacific Theater, Race, Strikes, United Farm Workers, Vietnam War, Watsonville, Watsonville High School, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Celebration, Food, Fort Ord, Group Photo, Manong, Manongs, Military, Photograph
Tags: Agriculture, Camping, Caretaking, Cockfights, Community, Cooking, Driscoll, Education, Educational Opportunity Program, Family, Fishing, Gambling, Garden, Gardening, Hawai'i, Health, History, Immigration, Interracial Relations, Labor, Labor Camp, Labor Camps, Leisure, Manong, Manongs, Migration, Military, Mixed-race Identity, Oral History, Pajaro Valley, Pesticides, Philippine Gardens Cafe, Philippines, Race, Sharecropping, Spanish American War, Teacher, Texas, Unions, United Farm Workers, Watsonville, World War 1, World War 2, World War II
Tags: Certificate, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Manong, Military, Physical Object
Tags: Filipino Infantry Regiment, Manong, Military, Physical Object
Tags: Canneries, Cars, Cockfights, El Centro, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Fishing, Food, Fort Ord, Interracial Relations, J.J. Crosetti Ranch, Labor, Leisure, Marriage, Migration, Military, Mixed-race Identity, Musicians, Oral History, Pacific Theater, Race, Vietnam War, Watsonville, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Businesses, Canneries, Downtown Watsonville, Family, Food, Labor, Main Street, Marriage, Migration, Military, Mixed-race Identity, Navy, Oral History, Pacific Theater, Race, Seattle, Vietnam War, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Agriculture, C&V Farms, Canneries, Children, Family, Filipino Infantry Regiment, First United Methodist Church, Fishing, Gonzalez, Green Valley Road, Holm Road, Jensen Apples, Labor, Labor Camp, Leisure, Manongs, Marriage, Migration, Military, Oral History, Philippines, Race, Reiter Berries, Riots, San Andreas Road, Soledad, Strikes, United Foods, War Brides, Watsonville, Watsonville Canning, Women and World War II, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Agriculture, Balado Park, Caballeros de Dimas-Alang, Canneries, Celebration, Cockfights, Communal Living, Community, Cooking, Dances, Daylite Market, Driscoll, Family, Fashion, Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville, Food, Fundraising, Funeral, Funerals, Gambling, Garden, Health, Immigration, Labor, Leisure, Manongs, Migration, Military, Money, Navy, Oral History, Pajaro Valley, Philippine Gardens Cafe, Philippines, Watsonville, Watsonville High School
Tags: Canneries, Dances, Doering Lane, Family, Fashion, Filipino Catholic Association, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Fishing, Food, Fort Ord, Gardening, Labor, Leisure, Makato Association, Manongs, Marchant Street, Marriage, Migration, Military, Oral History, Race, Seattle, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Aptos, Barbeques, Businesses, Castroville, Celebration, Children, Corralitos, Family, Filipino Catholic Association, Filipino Community Hall, Filipino Infantry Regiment, Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville, Fishing, Fourth of July, Marriage, Military, Newspaper, Palm Beach, Philippines, Photograph, Photograph Album, Picnics, Religion, San Francisco, Washington, Watsonville, Watsonville Veterans' Hall, World War 2, World War II, WW2