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Wedding Portrait of Vera Millares

Photograph of Vera Millares taken at the Rogers Studio in Sacramento, California. This is a wedding…

Max and Virgina at a Wedding

Photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay and Virginia Viner Sulay taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson's niece's…

Quirino and Puring Sulay's wedding photograph.

A black and white wedding photograph of Quirino and Purification "Puring" Sulay, taken in a…

With Love, Quirino

Studio photograph of Quirino Sulay in a white suit. On the front of the photograph is written: "With…

Juanita and Allen Wilson at their wedding.

This is a black and white photograph of Juanita Sulay Wilson and Allen Wilson taken during their…

Joan and Juanita during Juanita's wedding day.

Photograph of Joan Millares (left) and Juanita Sulay Wilson (right) taken during Juanita's wedding…

Group Photo at Erlinda and Alberto's Wedding

This is a black and white family photo taken at Erlinda Aragon Nabor and Alberto Nabor's wedding. In…

Wedding Photograph of Alberto, Erlinda, Eleanor, and Billy

This is a black and white photograph of two couples in front of a wedding cake, found within the…

Nabors Cutting their Wedding Cake

This is a black and white photograph of the newlywed Nabor couple cutting their wedding cake, found…

Alberto and Erlinda Cutting their Wedding Cake

This is a black and white photograph of Alberto Nabor and Erlinda Aragon Nabor cutting their wedding…

Nabor and Miranda Family Group Photo Around Wedding Cake

This is a black and white photograph of the Nabor and Miranda families standing with the Nabor's…

Nabors Opening Wedding Gifts

This is a black and white photograph of Alberto Nabor (left), Erlinda Nabor (middle), and Eleanor…