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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

Daniel "Dan" Kerubin Fallorina interviewed by Meleia Simon-Reynolds Part 3 of 3

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Daniel "Dan" Kerubin Fallorina interviewed by Meleia Simon-Reynolds Part 3 of 3


In this interview, originally conducted in person, Daniel “Dan” Kerubin Fallorina speaks with, Watsonville is in the Heart team members, Meleia Simon-Reynolds and Christina Ayson Plank. Dan reflects on his parents’, Mariano Doctor Fallorina Sr. and Angelina Nicolas Fallorina, home gardening practices. He describes the produce Mariano grew at home using the skills he honed as an agricultural laborer and the flower gardens Angelina tended throughout her life. Dan explains that gardening was a way his parents relaxed after long days working in Watsonville agricultural fields and canneries. He also discusses how his parents shared the products of their gardens with friends and members of their community. This interview is part three of a series of three interviews conducted by the Watsonville is in the Heart team with Dan Fallorina.


Daniel "Dan" Kerubin Fallorina
Meleia Simon-Reynolds


July 5, 2023


Watsonville is in the Heart (WIITH) is a community-driven public history initiative to preserve and uplift stories of Filipino migration and labor in the city of Watsonville and the greater Pajaro Valley. All oral history interviews are donated to WIITH by the narrators. Copyright is held by WIITH. Oral history interview recordings and transcripts are available for unrestricted use and reproduction by educators and researchers. Please note that the recordings on this website are provided via Soundcloud. For access to oral history audio files, please contact the project director at If you are an oral history narrator and would like to remove your interview from the archive website, please contact the project director.




Oral History

Oral History Item Type Metadata


Meleia Simon-Reynolds


Daniel "Dan" Kerubin Fallorina

Original Format





Daniel “Dan” Kerubin Fallorina interviewed by Meleia Simon-Reynolds and Christina Ayson Plank Part 3 of 3.pdf


Daniel "Dan" Kerubin Fallorina and Meleia Simon-Reynolds, “Daniel "Dan" Kerubin Fallorina interviewed by Meleia Simon-Reynolds Part 3 of 3,” Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive, accessed March 3, 2025,

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