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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Juanita Sulay Wilson at 28 Broadis St.

A black and white photograph of Juanita Sulay Wilson taken at their family home on Broadis Street.…

Juanita Sulay Wilson's First Easter

A black and white photograph of Juanita Sulay Wilson taken on her first easter at their family home…

Carnival Photograph of Juanita Sulay Wilson

A small carnival booth photograph of Juanita Sulay Wilson.

Family Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (2)

A black and white family group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. In…

Group Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (3)

A black and white group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. Juanita is…

Group Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (2)

A black and white group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. Juanita is…

Group Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (1)

A black and white group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. On the…

Family Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (1)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay, Virginia Sulay, and Juanita Sulay Wilson. It…

Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the Crosetti Fields(3)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto “Max” Sulay in the Crosetti Ranch Fields where he worked as…

Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the Crosetti Fields (2)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto “Max” Sulay in the Crosetti Ranch Fields where he worked as…

Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the Crosetti Fields (1)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto “Max” Sulay in the Crosetti Ranch Fields where he worked as…

Virginia Viner Sulay at Watsonville Plaza

A black and white photograph of Virginia Sulay Wilson standing in the Watsonville Plaza.

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