Tags: Children, Fashion, Philippines, Photograph, Portrait, Still Image, Studio Photography
Tags: Celebration, Children, Christmas, Community, Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville, Group Photo, Photograph, Still Image, Watsonville
Tags: Cabelleros de Dimas Alang, Children, Filipino Community, Filipino Community of Watsonville
Tags: Caballeros de Dimas-Alang, Children, Costume, Filipino Community, Filipino Community of Watsonville
Tags: Children, Family, Pajaro Valley, Photograph
Tags: Agriculture, Barbecues, Beaches, Businesses, California, Canneries, Celebration, Children, Community, Dances, Family, Family Photos, Filipino Women’s Club of Watsonville, Fishing, Fort Ord, Gambling, Gardening, Group Photos, Hawai'i, History, Interracial Relations, Labor, Labor Camp, Leisure, Manong, Manongs, Marriage, Migration, Military, Mixed-race Family, Newspaper, Pajaro Valley, Parades, Philippine Gardens, Photographs, Picnics, Riots, Transnational Communities, United Farm Workers, Women
Tags: Children, Family, Family Photo, Fashion, Group Photo, Interracial Relations, Manong, Mixed-race Identity, Photograph
Tags: Celebration, Children, Family, Photograph
Tags: Children, Family, Photograph