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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Juanita Sulay Wilson (left) and Allen Wilson (right) on the Filipino Community float for Fourth of…

A photograph of a decorated Filipino Youth Club car for the Fourth of July parade. The placard above…

A photograph of a party taken at Sunset Beach. Virginia Viner Sulay can be identified sitting in the…

A group photo taken at Sunset Beach during a FIlipino party. Juanita speculates that the person…

A photograph of a large group of people lounging at Sunset Beach. Virginia Viner Sulay can be…

An unidentified woman and man lounging at Sunset Beach.

A scan from a negative of Auntie Vera Millares squating at a beach while preparing hot dogs.

A black and white photograph of an unidentified woman at a beach. Behind her is a man sleeping with…

A black and white photograph of Virginia Sulay (left) and Martha Galimba (right) dressed up in their…

A scan from a negative of an unidentified woman holding a baby, leaning against a car.

A scan from a negative of an unidentifiable woman holding a baby.

An affidavit from 1966 proving that Mamerto "Max" Sulay sent money to support Fely Sulay's nursing…

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