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Sunset Beach Celebration.

Large group photo at Sunset Beach of the Sulay and Millares family, taken at Joan Millares's 7th…

Virginia at Filipino party at Sunset Beach.

A photograph of a party taken at Sunset Beach. Virginia Viner Sulay can be identified sitting in the…

Filipino party at Sunset Beach.

A group photo taken at Sunset Beach during a FIlipino party. Juanita speculates that the person…

Sunset Beach Gathering.

A photograph of a large group of people lounging at Sunset Beach. Virginia Viner Sulay can be…

Couple at Sunset Beach

An unidentified woman and man lounging at Sunset Beach.

Man and Baby at Sunset Beach

Black and white photograph reproduced from negative, of an unidentified manong and baby at Sunset…

"Trip out to the Beach"

Black and white photograph of Juanita Sulay Wilson, Joan Millares, Mary Millares, and Sonny Sulay…

Vera, Juanita, and Joan at Sunset Beach

Black and white photograph of Vera Millares with Juanita Sulay Wilson (left) and Joan Millares…

Asuncion Family Picnic at Sunset Beach

Black and white photograph of an Asuncion family picnic at Sunset Beach, CA taken when the men went…