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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Alberto Nabor's American Legion Continuous Member Certificate

This is Alberto G. Nabor's Continuous Member Certificate for 30 years from the American Legion. This…

Group Photograph of the Legionarios de Tabajo Function

This is a black and white photograph from a Legionarios de Tabajo function at Carmel, Lodge No. 624.…

Queens Function, Caballeros de Dimas Alang

This is a black and white photograph taken during the queens contest, held by the Caballeros de…

Group Photograph of the Caballeros de Dimas Alang

This is a black and white photograph taken during a Caballeros de Dimas Alang function. In the back…

FIlipino Catholic Association Group Photo, 1988

This is a photograph from a Filipino Catholic Association meeting or event, held at Mingui Chinese…

Filipino Catholic Association Group Photo, 1994

This is a colored group photograph of an event held by the Filipino Catholic Association, taken in…

Communal Meal at Fort Ord

This is a black and white photograph of a large group of Filipino men eating barbecue together at…

Alberto Nabor on the Fourth of July

This is a photograph of Alberto Nabor Sr. taken in from of their family home on the Fourth of July.…

Studio Photograph of Alberto Nabor with Family Heirloom Ring

This is a studio photograph of Alberto Nabor Sr., dressed up. In this photo, he was wearing a ring…

Nabor Family Portrait

This is a Nabor family portrait taken at their house on Dawson Street in Watsonville, CA. In the…

Portrait of Alberto Nabor Sr.

This is a black and white studio portrait of Alberto Nabor Sr..

Alberto Nabor, circa 1980

This is a photograph of Alberto Nabor Sr., most likely taken at a church function of wedding during…