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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Newspaper on International Hotel

Newspaper about the I-Hotel. Anastacio "Stosh" Asuncion picked it up while attending an anti-war…

Letter for Paula from Tony

Letter for Paula Montelongo Asuncion from Anastacio "Tony" Polistico Asuncion Sr. when he was…

First-Second Filipino Infantry Regiments Association for the 1971 29th Anniversary Celebration

This is an invitation sent by the First-Second Filipino Infantry Regiments Association for their…

Alberto Nabor Certificate of Eligibility for Veterans Loan

This is Alberto Gorospe Nabor's Certificate of Eligibility for Veterans Loan, issued on March 31,…

Alberto Nabor Draft Card

This is a draft card for Alberto Gorospe Nabor, issued on May 31, 1941.

Alberto Nabor's Alien Registration Receipt Card

This is an Alien Registration Receipt Card for "Robert" Gorospe Nabor.

Alberto Nabor's Motor Vehicle Operator's Permit

This is Alberto Gorospe Nabor's Motor Vehicle Operator's Permit registered at Hunter Liggett…

Article No. 713 Receipt

Receipt for Registered Article No. 713 sent by Alberto Gorospe Nabor.