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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Snapshot of a Group Dinner

A candid photograph of a large group dinner. This image is from John Madio Millares' personally…

Unknown Woman in a Formal Dress

A photograph of a woman in a formal dress. This image is from John Madio Millares' personally…

Hawaiian Sunset Postcard

A postcard depicting Hawai'i. The inscription on the front reads: "Hawaiian Sunset thru the Palms -…

Luisa with Marie Gonzales

Luisa Irao de los Reyes and Marie Gonzales posing at the beach.

Luisa Irao de los Reyes in baro't saya

A photograph of Luisa Irao de los Reyes wearing her traditional baro't saya (blouse and skirt) the…

Kids at Elkhorn Road

Children from the Irao-de los Reyes, Ibao, Villanueva, Taytayon, and Tejada families at the Irao-de…

Johnny and Luisa with their Niece and Nephew

Luisa Irao de los Reyes and Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes posed with their niece Maria Jessebel…

Fun on Elkhorn Road

Irao-de los Reyes and Ibao children with Luisa Irao de los Reyes at the family home on Elkhorn Road.…

Serbolo and Bernabela after getting married in Reno

Benabela Irao Ibao and Serbolo Tulay Ibao after getting married in Reno, Nevada.

Bela, Johnny, and Luisa

Bernabela Irao Ibao (left), Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes (middle), and Luisa Irao de los Reyes (right)…

Johnny and Bela on Riverside Road

Bernabela Irao Ibao and Juan "Johnny" de los Reyes posed in front of a car at the Irao-de los Reyes…

Two Unknown Men and a Baby Enjoying a Sweet Treat

A photograph of two men with a baby. The man on the left is holding a camera. People are in the back…