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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Celebration

Friends and Family on Dana and Lynn's Wedding Day

A photograph of Dana and Lynn Sales' friends and family on their wedding day. Pictured in the front…

Dana and Lynn's Wedding Day

This photograph was taken on Dana and Lynn Sales' wedding day at St. Patrick's Church in…

An Isidro Family Thanksgiving Photograph

An Isidro Thanksgiving dinner photograph. In the front is Nancy and Frances Isidro while in the back…

An Isidro Family Christmas Photograph

A family photograph taken on Christmas. Starting from the left are father, Felix, daughter, Nancy,…

Christmas Clean up

A photograph of Mariano Fallorina Sr. cleaning up wrappers after opening presents during Christmas.…

Souvenir Program for XXth Grand National Convention and 55th Anniversary of Caballeros de Dimas-Alang

A Souvenir Program for XXth Grand National Convention and 55th Anniversary of Caballeros de…

Family Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (2)

A black and white family group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. In…

Group Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (3)

A black and white group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. Juanita is…

Group Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (2)

A black and white group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. Juanita is…

Group Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (1)

A black and white group photograph taken at Juanita Sulay Wilson’s second birthday party. On the…

Family Photograph at Juanita Sulay Wilson's Birthday (1)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto "Max" Sulay, Virginia Sulay, and Juanita Sulay Wilson. It…

Archie and Margaret Lopez Cutting Their Wedding Cake at the Watsonville Veterans Hall

A reproduction of a photograph of Margaret and Archie Lopez cutting their wedding cake at their…