Tags: Celebration, Family, Group Photo, Interracial Relations, Manong, Manongs, Photograph, Salinas, Wedding, Women
Tags: Military, Pacific Theater, Photograph, Women and World War II, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Air Force, Hawai'i, Military, Pacific Theater, Photograph, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Barbecue, Filipino Community, Manong
Tags: Celebration, Photograph
Tags: Manongs, Photograph, Riverside Road
Tags: Hawai'i, Military, Pacific Theater, Photograph, Women and World War II, World War 2, World War II, WW2
Tags: Cabelleros de Dimas Alang, Children, Filipino Community, Filipino Community of Watsonville
Tags: Beach, Group Photo, Leisure, Philippines, Photograph
Tags: Children, Leisure, Photograph
Tags: Agriculture, Card Games, Cockfights, Community, Dances, Fashion, Food, Gambling, Gardening, Hawai'i, Immigration, Labor Contracting, Music, Operation Manong, Oral History, Philippine Gardens Cafe, Watsonville
Tags: Children, Leisure, Photograph, Watsonville