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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Government Document

Angelina Fallorina's Passport

Angelina's Philippine passport, from when she originally came to the United States.

Mariano Doctor Fallorina's Passport

Mariano's passport is from when he went to the Philippines to marry Angelina.

Envelope from the House of Representatives U.S. about the Philippines Campaign of General MacArthur, 1945

Envelope from the House of Representatives U.S. about the Philippines Campaign of General MacArthur.…

Letter from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc. Thanking Volunteer Workers, 1945

This is a letter from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc. thanking volunteer workers for…

Letter to Max Sulay from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc., 1945

This is a letter to Max Sulay from the Philippine War Relief (of the U.S.) Inc. about the release of…

Letter to Max Sulay from the Resident Commissioner for the Philippines to the United States, Carlos P. Romulo, 1945

This is a letter to Max Sulay from the resident commissioner for the Philippines to the United…

Alberto Nabor's Certificate of Naturalization

This is Alberto Gorospe Nabor's Certificate of Naturalization. This document states that he was…