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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

Nena and Amando's 40th Anniversary Scrapbook, Part 1

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Nena and Amando's 40th Anniversary Scrapbook, Part 1


A photograph album made by Eva Alminiana Monroe to celebrate her parents, Rosario "Nena" Nieva Alminiana and Amando Ocampo Alminiana's anniversary. The album itself is from Gumps, a premier shop for home goods in San Francisco. It is made from an antique Obi, the crane pattern was handpicked because they symbolize life and longevity. Eva asked guests to contribute letters and photographs for the pages of this album. This entry is for part of the album and includes pages 1-23. For images of all the pages included in this entry, click on the attached image to open a PDF of all the pages. For the rest of the album, see “Nena and Amando's 40th Anniversary Scrapbook, Part 2.”
Page 1: This page of the album contains the invitation to Nena and Amando's 40th wedding anniversary party. It was held at the Seascape Golf Lodge in Aptos, CA.
Page 2: This page contains an introductory statement written by Eva. She talks about how this project was completed with the help of the family friends and relatives to create an album to document 40 years of her parent's marriage.
Page 3: This page contains "The Anniversary Times", which was a year-in-review type of document listing various details about the year of their anniversary. It was made by Hallmark and was a gift from one of the guests, Dick Sherry and Susan Aremas. The sections included are; Musical Memories, Headlines of the Times, The Best in Entertainment, That Was Then...This Is Now, What Else Was New, and Those Were the Days.
Page 4: This page contains a letter surrounded by ten photographs. Some of the photographs are unidentified but starting from the top left is; Photo 1 which shows a portrait of Amando. Photos 2-3 show military photos from Fort Ord. Photo 4 shows Paul Nepomoceno standing on a rock. Photo 5 on the 2nd row left shows two men in uniform at Fort Ord. Photo 6 shows Amando and Pete Laconsay. Photo 7 on the 3rd row left shows a group photograph from when Nena was working in the Philippines. Photo 8 is unidentified. In the bottom row, photo 9 shows a wedding photo of Charing and Paul Nepomoceno. And photo 10 is unidentified.
Page 5: This page contains two photographs. The group photograph is of Amando and Nena's wedding in Lucena, Philippines. The bottom photograph is also of Amando and Nena, but this time in the Veterans Hall in Watsonville, possibly around 1951.
Page 6: This page contains nine photographs of their house on Bridge St/Riverside Road. Starting from the top left is photo 1 which shows Nena and Amando at their family home on Bridge Street. Photo 2 shows Amando in front of Universal Barbershop. 2nd row, left is photo 3 which shows Angelo in front of a home on Bridge Street. Photo 4 shows Nena in a tennis uniform. Photo 5 shows Johnny Riglos and Angelo in front of Universal Barbershop 3rd row, left is photo 6 which shows Angelo sitting in the car at the Bridge Street house. Photo 7 shows Angelo and Charlie Green dressed as cowboys in front of Universal Barbershop. The bottom row, left is photo 8 which shows Angelo and Charlie green in front of the barbershop. Photo 9 shows Angelo and Nena in front of the barbershop.
Page 7: This page contains five photographs centered on the birth of Eva. Starting from the top left; photo 1 shows Nena, Eva, and Angelo. Photo 2 shows Amando and Eva. Photo 3 shows their home in the 1960s. Photo 4 shows Nena. Eva, and Angelo. Photo 5 shows Amando and Eva.
Page 8: This page contains two photos of a newborn Rene Alminiana. The top photo shows him in a baby's high chair. The bottom photo shows him tucked in bed.
Page 9: This page contains two photographs, a letter, and a card given by Amando's best friends: Pete and Maxine Laconsay. The group photograph on the bottom of the page shows Amando seated in the center, with Pete to the left of him and Paul Charing to the right of him. The top right photograph is of Pete and Maxine.
Page 10: This page contains more family photographs. The top two photographs are Carmel and the Nepomoceno family in 1951. The car photograph below is possibly located at Barba Ranch in Aromas. The bottom photograph is of Rene, Angelo, and Eva in their home on Bridge Street.
Page 11: This page contains five photographs of parties and outings of the Alminiana's. Starting from the top left; photo 1 shows a party at the Barba family's Cerades home in Castroville in 1953. Photo 2 shows Nena and Teddy Barba at Palm Beach. Middle: Photo 3 shows Connie Ramirez, Teddy Barba, Rene, Nena, Eva, TQ Barba, and Amando on a couch at a party in their family home. Photo 4 shows Nena fishing. Photo 5 shows Charlie Green, Angelo, and Jess Tabasa in their basement.
Page 12: This page contains seven photographs of the Alminianas’ and their friends’ children. Starting from the top left; photo 1 shows Nena, Eva, and Angelo at their 400 Bridge St house in 1951. Photo 2 shows four-year-old Rene in 1955. Photo 3 shows the Nepomoceno kids in San Francisco in 1954. Photo 4 shows a seven-year-old Eva on a bike on Bridge St. Photo 5 shows Nena at Sunset Beach. Photo 6 shows Rene, Nena, Charing, and Charings's sister. Photo 7 shows Angelo with Nena in 1956.
Page 13: Contains one photograph of the inauguration of the Filipino Women's Club in 1950 at the Veterans Hall. Pictured starting to the left are Teddy Barba, Rita Castro, Rosing Tabasa, Opal Marshal, President of Watsonville Women's Club, and Nena's mentor, Nena, Ester Tabancay, Connie Ramirez, and Martha Galimba.
Page 14: This page contains four photographs and one letter. The letter is written by Juanita, who was a member of the Women's Club, and Gene Roberanta. They write about a Halloween party and an installation of officers. Starting from the top left; photo 1 shows the Filipino Community's Fourth of July float, circa 1950s. Photo 2 shows a close-up of the Filipino community's float with Eva wearing a plaid dress in 1951. Photo 3 shows a Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville event in 1951 at the Vet's hall. Pictured here is Nena in the middle taken while she was pregnant. And in the back is Beltran, Virginia Sulay, Rita Cactero, Barba, Ramierez, Rosita Tabasa. Photo 4 shows the Women's Club on the Fourth of July, pictured are Nena, Juanita Roberanta, Teddy Barba, and Rita Castro.
Page 15: This page contains five photographs of the Filipino Community float during the Fourth of July parade. Starting on the top left; photo 1 shows the float with women wearing different sashes and costumes to represent different regions of the Philippines. This photograph was taken in 1947 by Blancas in Salinas. Photo 2 shows the front of Teddy Barba's car decorated with a Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville sign. Standing in front of it are Roberanta, Barba, Nena, and an unidentified woman. Photo 3 shows Juanita and Rene wearing cowboy outfits. Photo 4 shows children on a float that looks like a cow jumping over the moon. Pictured are Bobby Mariano, Eva, Roslin Castro, and possibly Ben Ragsac. Photo 5 shows Bea Cadiente in her husband's car in 1958.
Page 16: This page contains a group photograph of Veterans of Foreign Wars in Watsonville.
Page 17: This page contains eight photographs of picnics at Bolado Park in Hollister from 1950 to 1960. The picnics were an event organized by Filipino organizations such as the Filipino Community and the Filipino Women's Club of Watsonville. They usually took place in August and were an event everyone looked forward to. All the children were present and guests would sit on banig woven cloths as their picnic blankets. There were tons of Filipino foods present including, pots of rice, adobo, Amando's specialty ham, lechon, roast chicken, potato salad, and Filipino desserts. There was a swimming pool and baseball diamond at the park where you would find the men playing. Folks would travel there by caravan.
Page 18: This page contains four photographs and a letter from Linda Nepomuceno. The photographs depict Linda as a kid with other children and of her wedding day. The top caption says "Linda Nepomuceno Dad's favorite god-daughter."
Page 19: This page contains the continuation of the letter from page 18 and four photographs of the Nepomuceno's visiting the Alminiana family.
Page 20: This page contains a letter from Luisa de los Reyes and a cut-out photo of Amando and Nena from 1963 in the corner.
Page 21: This page contains the continuation of the letter from Luisa de los Reyes.
Page 22: This page contains three group photographs of the Filipino Catholic Association. They show a mix of old families and newer immigrant families in the 1960s. There are also folks from other chapters pictured in these photographs. The caption on the right reads; "Judge Franich presiding over club officers installation."
Page 23: This page contains two photographs of events hosted by Catholic Daughters, a non-Filipino group. Photo 1 shows the Catholic Daughters working to make lunch for Valentine's Luncheon, a yearly salad lunch they had at the Grange Hall in Watsonville. Starting from the right is Nena, unidentified, Mrs.Cleo Fields, Vicky Evans, and unidentified. Photo 2 shows another Catholic Daughters picnic at Bolado Park in the 1960s.


Eva Alminiana Monroe




Eva Alminiana Monroe


Watsonville is in the Heart (WIITH) is a community-driven public history initiative to preserve and uplift stories of Filipino migration and labor in the city of Watsonville and greater Pajaro Valley. Images were donated and digitally reproduced from private collections of individuals and families. Copyright remains with original owners. All images included herein are intended for personal or educational use only. Any reproduction, redistribution, publication, or other use, by any means, without prior written permission is prohibited. Please note that the images on this website are not included at their full resolution. For permission to publish or reproduce and for higher resolution files, please contact the project director at . If you are the rightful copyright holder of this item and its use online constitutes an infringement of your copyright, please contact the project director to discuss its removal from the archive.


For more information on building Filipino communities:

Dawn Bohulano Mabalon. Little Manila Is in the Heart : The Making of the Filipina/o American Community in Stockton, California. Durham: Duke University Press (2013).

Rudy P. Guevarra. Becoming Mexipino : Multiethnic Identities and Communities in San Diego. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press (2012).


13 x 12 inches




Physical Object


EAM.2021.69- EAM.2021.92

Physical Object Item Type Metadata

Original Format

Photograph Album




Eva Alminiana Monroe, “Nena and Amando's 40th Anniversary Scrapbook, Part 1,” Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive, accessed March 3, 2025,

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