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Josie Crocetti's Poem

A poem written by Josie Crosetti to honor Paul "Skippy" Tabalan's DeOcampo's passing. The poem was…

Paul "Skippy" Tabalan DeOcampo at J.J. Crosetti Ranch's Apple Shed

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Photograph of Paul "Skippy" Tabalan DeOcampo at J.J. Crosetti Ranch in front of the apple shed where…

Paul Phillip DeOcampo Jr. interviewed by Dr. Kathleen "Kat" Cruz Gutierrez Part 1 of 3

Paul Philip DeOcampo Jr. interviewed by Kathleen “Kat” Cruz Gutierrez Part 1 of 3.pdf
In the first part of this three part interview, Paul Phillip DeOcampo speaks with Dr. Kathleen "Kat"…

Crosetti Orchards Time Cards

Crosetti Orchards time cards from 1987. As foreman, Paul "Skippy" Tabalan DeOcampo oversaw payroll…