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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the Crosetti Fields(3)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto “Max” Sulay in the Crosetti Ranch Fields where he worked as…

Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the Crosetti Fields (2)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto “Max” Sulay in the Crosetti Ranch Fields where he worked as…

Mamerto "Max" Sulay in the Crosetti Fields (1)

A black and white photograph of Mamerto “Max” Sulay in the Crosetti Ranch Fields where he worked as…

The Fallorina and Reyes Children

A photograph of the Fallorina and Reyes children. Pictured from left to right are Ted Reyes, Joe…

Coconut Scraper

A contraption made by Mariano Fallorina Sr. that he used to scrape the meat out of young coconuts.…

Mariano Fallorina Sr. carving a turkey

Mariano Fallorina Sr. carving the turkey on Thanksgiving. The photograph was taken at the family's…

A Group of Men having a Meal in the Fields in San Juan Bautista or Watsonville.

A photograph of a group of men having a meal in an agricultural field. In the back row, from left to…