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Watsonville is in the Heart: Community Digital Archive

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  • Tags: Food

Cris and Carolynn Eating Watermelons

A black and white photograph of Carolynn McGeary and Cristing "Cris" Sulay crouching, each holding a…

Watsonville restaurant open after a year's forced hiatus

A newspaper article from the Santa Cruz Sentinel, published in November late 1980's about the…

Philippine Gardens has Rebirth

A newspaper article about the rebirth of the Philippine Gardens in Watsonville, featuring a…

Rosita Tabasa at Philippine Gardens

Black and white photograph of the counter at Philippine Gardens. Rosita Tabasa is on the left and is…

Philippine Gardens

Black and white photograph of the front of Philippine Gardens in Watsonville, CA. Anastacio…

Ramirez Labor Camp Dining Hall

Black and white photograph of the dining hall at the Ramirez labor camp. Anastacio Asuncion's…

Ramirez Labor Camp Produce Washing Station

Black and white photograph of the produce washing station at the Ramirez labor camp. Anastacio…

Brownie Banal and Tony Asuncion Sitting in the Backyard

Photograph of Uncle "Brownie" (first name) Banal and Anastacio "Tony" sitting in the Asuncion…